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The Global Leaders Forum is an exclusive members’ only online community with events focused on a specific sector for global groups of executives, regulators, legal professionals and business advisors (to the right is a video brochure from one of our events).

Corporate executives, senior in-house counsel and regulators qualify for complimentary membership, while professional and business advisors can join by invitation only.

Member Profiles

In this section members can create their own profile and search for other global members based on jurisdiction, practice area, specialization and other criteria.

Premium Content

In this section members can access videos and presentations from exclusive members only events as well as topical and in-depth articles written by other members.

Private Forum

In this section members can network with other members by sending messages and announcements as well as international business opportunities.

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Over the years we have partnered with prestigious in-house counsel events and organizations such as The Economist General Counsel conference, the IFLR European In-house Counsel Summit, and the European Company Lawyers Association (ECLA) which is the umbrella organisation for 20 company lawyer associations in Europe and represents the common interests of more than 40,000 European company lawyers. We also manage the Global General Counsel group on LinkedIn which is one of the largest of its kind with only General Counsel.

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